Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Are you a digital picture hoarder?

The other day I was thinking about how I am just awful at printing pictures. Now that things are digital I tend to hoard my images on my computer.  Yes, I have great plans of printing them all and having them organized in albums by date on a shelf somewhere.. but it just doesn't happen. I know that I am not alone in this, right? One of my favorite things to do as a kid was to look through family photo albums and see all the pictures. So here's what I propose - LETS PRINT OUR PICTURES!! 
Yes, I think they should be printed at a high quality professional lab. Yes, I realize not everyone is going to do that. So guess what, print them anyway! I don't care where you do it (unless they are professional photographs you paid for, then spend the extra few cents and do it right lady!)  iphone pics need to leave our phones and computers and be in albums. I want my kids to look back and see I took the time and invested the money to put together albums.  I want them to see that I stored away our memories on something for them other than my old computer. Which by then will probably not work and I will have lost all of them.

 I see it all to often and I am equally as guilty. You get photos taken, or even take some great ones yourself and they sit on your camera or on your disc. Maybe they even make it to Facebook. It seems less and less people are printing these days. I have ZERO updated albums. My son is 7 now and I think he is 2 years old in my most recent albums.. yikes!! I have some MAJOR catching up to do! Now, I do have TONS of current photos of my children on my walls. BIG ones. I love big pictures hanging on walls. Which led me to an idea. I really want to give back to you all. I want everyone to have a picture of their family, or children on their walls. So I am going to do a drawing for all my clients between now and June 30th for a 16x24 canvas for FREE! That's normally a 165.00 canvas folks! Im pretty excited about it and you should be too! Start envisioning where your 16x24 canvas will go.. and in the mean time print your pictures and put them in albums or a shoebox! Just PRINT them!

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