Friday, April 11, 2014

A Personal Post

7 years ago I gave birth to a baby boy named Noah. I was only 21. I had NO IDEA how to be a mother, or what all it entailed. But I was thrilled to be one. Aaron and I were married for a year and decided it was time to grow our family. If I could describe Noah to you and could only pick one word I would say Strong Willed!! Ok wait, that's 2. Noah has tested me and pushed me in ways no other human possibly could I think. Because of him, I have learned to be more patient, understanding, and  really learned what unconditional love is. Noah has ASD (Austim Spectrum Disorder) and through this has come great struggle and frustration in lots of areas. Not just for us, but him as well. Luckily we got him into services very early on and it has helped him tremendously!! He is a different kid than he was 4 years ago because of it. I can never thank the teachers and therapists that have played such a vital role in Noah's growth. Noah turns 7 today and I am 28. I remember being 7, so its so weird that I can have a child that age! People who have 7 year olds are old and own a boat or something right?! Well I wouldn't change him for the whole world. He has grown to become one of the sweetest, most tender hearted boys I think I have ever meet in my whole life. He has become the best big brother and protector to Primrose. Not to mention one of the funniest kids I have ever met!! I am so proud to be his mom.

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